What Is Coping Flexibility? Can It Help With Chronic Pain?

What Is Coping Flexibility? Coping Flexibility is a term used to describe a person’s ability to learn new ways to deal with stress or trauma.  It recognizes that some behaviors may not be working to help the person feel better or live better.  So they seek alternatives to coping with life.  Thus they are practicing … Read more

Are You a Chronic Pain Warrior?

Today was the first time I ever heard this term, Chronic Pain Warrior.  What’s that? So I read about it. And concluded that yes, I am a Chronic Pain Warrior.  Read on to find out if you are one. Who are Chronic Pain Warriors?   They are people who suffer with pain on a daily basis.  … Read more

Pain Management of Chronic Pain

Is there such a thing as pain management of chronic pain?  Why would you want to manage your pain?  Read more to find out. Introduction Feeling down because you have pain?  Me too! It is often a challenge to get out of bed, because I know my day will start with pain.  You too? I … Read more