I assume you are on this website because you are in pain. Are you wondering if there is a natural remedy for pain?
Or someone you love is suffering. You have my empathy, because I live with pain constantly. Because of that, I have spent hours researching alternative treatments for pain or what I call natural pain remedies.
In case you are wondering, my pain is like sciatic, but is caused by a bulging disc. Most of the pain is in my buttock, but sometimes radiates down my leg. It hurts to walk, and sometimes I can’t get comfortable when I try to sleep. It has very much impacted my life.
I need to tell you up front that none of my recommendations are cures, and that none of them have given me a pain free life. But the number one reason I like natural pain remedies and can recommend them, is that there are few side effects. This is unlike the medications and drugs that our western medicine seems to rely on. The few alternatives I tried that did adversely affect me will be discussed later. Also, I am not a doctor or a scientist, so I can only speak from my suffering and experience. The recommendations I make are based on my results only.
It is my goal to help you wade through the numerous options available to you in this field. I have only scratched the surface. My reviews will cover: chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, fish oil, turmeric, ASEA, books and foods I have found that seem to make my pain worse.
There are various forms of chiropractic available. I recommend ones that do manipulation. The benefits of chiropractic are pain relief, and realignment of your spine. My pain makes me lean to one side, so I am messing my spine up continually. My chiropractor’s goal is to keep me aligned. Check with your insurance and the chiropractor; many insurances cover this now.
The number one question I am asked is, “Does it hurt?”. My honest answer; yes and no. But mostly no. The needles are so thin that you barely feel a slight pinch. Some people feel nothing. Sometimes, depending on how sensitive my pain area is, I do feel pain, but not so much with the needle as with the nerve that the doctor is treating. It is an ache mostly. He can adjust this to stop it. My understanding of this treatment is that it deals with the nerve to enhance its ability to function. The needles also stimulate the body to release a pain hormone that is stronger than morphine.
I have written a complete article on acupuncture. Click here.
A note here about practitioners. The first acupuncturist I went to was dishonest. I found this out after a few months of treatment, when I wasn’t getting any documentation from my insurance. My current one is my 3rd one. The second one was honest, but I didn’t feel I was getting the care and concern I needed. My current doctor is very attentive and seems invested in my wellness. This is very important to me because much of the time I feel I am not understood. Or even heard. So, check around. Some insurances cover this as well.
Some doctors say not to do this. Others say to do this. I had one massage that set me back; the pain got worse. But I have recently found someone who apparently understands what needs to be treated and has given me some relief. Plus, it is a real treat to have the rest of your body massaged. I would do this more often if I could afford it. Investigate how much the therapist knows about joint pain, and what they would do to treat it.
My acupuncturist uses a hand held massager. After the needle treatment, he massages my pain areas for a few minutes. Currently this is in my hip and back. Boy does it feel good! The massager is called Thumper Mini Pro. Of course if you need massage on your back you may need someone to operate it for you. But if you can reach the spots, it is self administering.
Food and Supplements
Fish Oil
This product claims to reduce inflammation and thereby relieve joint pain. I tried a few products and settled on OmegaXL (by GreatHealthWorks) as one of the best I could find. A friend told me how he found relief from arthritis pain. This product gave me extensive relief for weeks but doesn’t seem to be helping that much now. I may adjust the dosage.
Also an anti-inflammatory, this product gave me relief for a time.
This is a liquid that tastes a bit like salt water. They claim to renew the cells in the body. It also gave me relief for a time. It appears that it has renewed my skin health, so I continue to take it.
So far, my research shows that beef can be an inflammatory food. Too bad, because I sure love my steak! I have cut back on beef consummation and look for the grass feed, non-chemical enhanced beef. A very good video to watch regarding the drugs put in our meats is What the Health. See the video clip below. I am eating way less meat, and therefore ingesting less chemicals. That has to be a good thing!
Essential Oils
So far, I have yet to find an oil that gives relief. But I am using lavender to relax and sleep better. Since my sleep is impacted by my pain, I feel being able to relax has been helpful. More research needed on this topic.
The best book I have read so far is Overcoming Acute and Chronic Pain, by Micozzi and Dibra. This book is an extensive goldmine of treatments available. It also has a test of your emotional type to predict how well you may respond to alternative treatments.
In my continuous search for natural pain remedies, I will post new discoveries as I find them. I would welcome information that you may have found helpful as well, so that we can help others who suffer. I truly want this website to be a community of support for all of us who suffer with pain.
I am not a health care professional. Only a pain sufferer. These recommendations are from my own experience.
In some of my posts I will recommend products and provide a link where you can purchase them. I have no such links in this post.
Finally, should you be wondering about learning how to build a website, click on this link. It takes you to Wealthy Affiliate, of which I am a member. I will receive a referral fee if you join. You can join form free for seven days to check out the platform.
Hello friend!
I must first say thank you for putting this information out there. Many people who suffer from chronic back pain needs this info.
I seems to me though, that it did not make sense to continue with the chiropractic treatment if you were still in pain. I hope you had discontinued that one.
(Lol) on the Asea product, for the fact that you took it for one thing and it helped another instead.
Thank you so much for your comments! Very helpful and I will adjust my website accordingly.