Pillow In Between Your Legs For Pain Relief

Introduction I have chronic pain.  It is like sciatica.  How about you?  And my pain interferes with my sleeping.  Which is why I am writing about a pillow in between your legs.  This may provide some relief from your pain while you sleep. Who May Benefit From Sleeping with a Pillow In Between Your Legs? … Read more

What Is Kaia? A Review of the App.

Have you heard of the Kaia app?  Are you wondering what is Kaia?  In this article I plan to review the app for you.  It is my hope my review will help you to decide if you want to use this app. Help for Chronic Pain I have been using the Kaia app for awhile.  … Read more

Does Meditation Help Pain?

  This is a topic that has come up time and again in my research. I have avoided it because I know so little about it. I know it is time to buckle down and learn about it. Especially if it helps my pain management. And yours!  Does Meditation Help Pain? What is Meditation? The … Read more